Do you have what it takes to make ripples of change in the AI, data, and robotics ecosystem in Brussels and beyond?

In FARI, we are working to co-create a society where sustainability is the norm and AI driven technologies a driver to achieve this. We work on local and international projects that achieve the transition to sustainability, focused on Brussels as an Inclusive, Humane Smart City. So we work in, with and on Brussels as a laboratory and testing ground in a regional, national and International context.

We innovate by putting the citizen first when we talk about AI, Data and Robotics solutions.

In order to achieve this, we need highly motivated experts in various domains — with FARI being a truly multidisciplinary institute, working with a team that is diverse in competences, skills, and backgrounds.

So, if you want to make a difference, have a look at our job openings and join us!

🔎 Frontiers

Under this category, you will find PhD vacancies for passionate individuals who want to develop research projects on AI for the Common Good.

📚 Explorers

Under this category, you will find vacancies for postdoctoral researchers who want to to expand and deepen their research portfolio, and develop their senior research skills by developing projects on AI for the Common Good.

⚒️ Makers

Under this category, you will find available development and engineering positions. These roles will help translate new digital technologies to educational demos, proof of concepts, and prototypes for the FARI AI Test & Experience Center.

🤝 Engagers

Under this category, you will find available positions in the FARI Central Team. We help build a stronger research and innnovation ecosystem in Brussels by developing new services to support open innovation and forwarding the FARI objectives.